Contraction in Pregnancy Meaning in Bengali


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Pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting journey that can bring a lot of joy and anticipation. However, it can also come with its fair share of challenges, particularly during labor and delivery. One of the most important terms that pregnant women need to understand is “contractions.”

In Bengali, contractions are known as “কংক্রিশন” (pronounced as “Kankrishon”). Contractions are the tightening and releasing of the uterus muscles to push the baby down and out during labor. These contractions can be felt as a tightening or hardening of the belly, and they usually become more frequent and intense as labor progresses.

It is essential for pregnant women to understand the importance of contractions during labor. Contractions help to thin and open the cervix, allowing the baby to move down the birth canal. They also help to deliver the placenta and reduce the risk of postpartum bleeding.

During pregnancy, it is important to monitor and keep track of contractions to determine if they are regular and if they are getting stronger or more frequent. If a woman experiences contractions before the 37th week of pregnancy, this is known as preterm labor and requires immediate medical attention.

In some cases, women may experience false contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions. These contractions are not usually a cause for concern and are often described as a tightening or cramping sensation in the belly. However, if a pregnant woman experiences any bleeding, water breaking, or severe pain during contractions, immediate medical attention is required.

In conclusion, contractions are an essential part of labor and delivery, and it is vital for pregnant women to understand their meaning and importance. In Bengali, contractions are known as “কংক্রিশন” (Kankrishon). It is important to monitor and keep track of contractions during pregnancy and seek immediate medical attention if there are any concerns or complications.